Sunday, July 26, 2009

Real Clarity on Global Warming Consequences

As the debate about the science and politics of global warming rages on, even gracing the pages of this humble blog from time to time, the most important outcome from the debate is a clear examination of the consequences of global warming policy.

Reasonable people with differing interests and values can come down on different sides of the debate around the science of global warming. After all, most of us are not scientist and we must make reasonable judgments about the science we see. We also know that scientists, global warming "experts," and business leaders are hardly disinterested participants in the debate. Ultimately, however, intellectually honest individuals confronted with a clear analysis of the ultimate consequences of climate change policies they and their adversaries advocate can come to only one conclusion: climate change policies are potentially more dangerous, deadly, and costly than climate change itself.

In this illuminating new documentary by Mario Lewis, "Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself," Mr. Lewis examines the unintended consequences of climate change policy.

Please take a few minutes of your time to view this film and share it with your friends. We don't have to solve the debate about the merits of global warming right now. We don't even have to agree. All of us must, however, in an intellectually honest way, examine the real consequences, in terms of life, liberty, health, and well-being of people around the world, of those policies currently proposed by congress and the White House to arrest global warming.

Seek clarity. Think. And act.

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