Friday, July 17, 2009

Free Us From "Reform"

The Obama push is on. That is, the effort to push through by any means necessary what is often described as health care "reform" but is actually the nationalization of your body. Under the guise of providing health insurance to the uninsured among us, the Democrats' health care plans will, in essence, result in government control of your health. How so? Well, if the government controls your health care, either through regulation or as the sole provider, you will be completely dependent upon the government for your health and survival. Need treatment for diabetes? Only if the government says so. Need bypass surgery due to a serious heart condition? Only if the government says so. Need that new biotechnology cancer medication to fight off the relapse of breast cancer? Only if the government says so. Your life and your health will be entirely dependent upon a disinterested government bureaucrat who will be weighing your life against the government budget.

In an effort to resist this push for socialized medicine, a grassroots effort has been formed to accumulate 1 million signatures on a petition to stop the Democrats' plans for a government takeover of health care. Please consider going to and sign the petition.

Be part of the effort to turn back this looming disaster.

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