Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Does Real Health Care Reform Look Like?

Why is it that whenever politicians talk about reform, it always comes with the heavy hand of more government control? Such is the case with the current debate about health care reform despite the fact that government run health care systems the world over have been dismal failures in their efforts to control costs, and inevitably result in rationed care and long waiting lines.

But, what is the alternative to government control in health care? What does real health care reform look like? Well, one of the inherent advantages of the free market system is the constant stream of innovation and new ideas. And yes, this even applies in the area of health insurance.

What if I told you there was a company that has seen its health insurance costs remain flat over the last four years while health insurance premiums across the country have increased 38% and Medicare costs have skyrocketed? What if I also told you that this was accomplished without restricting employee access to health care, while at the same time leading to employee obesity and smoking rates over 30% below the national average? A sinister plot you say? Okay, what if I told you that the employees love it, it is completely voluntary, and participating employees save significant money out of their own pockets?

Well, Safeway, the supermarket chain, has implemented a number of significant health insurance innovations since 2005 with astounding results. Recently, Steven Burd, Safeway's CEO, wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal explaining their success and how it could be applied to the nation as a whole.

This, my friends, is real health care reform, and it is brought to courtesy of the free market.

This on the other hand is not real reform:

Its deception.

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