Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Conservative in Hollywood: The New Cool?

In case you hadn't noticed the changes in media over the last election cycle, the internet has become the new and most prominent battleground in the war of ideas. As print newspapers continue their descent into the ash heap of irrelevance, conservatives have finally begun to realize that the future of our movement lies in mastering the power of the internet to distribute ideas and promote communication on issues political, social, and economic.

One who gets it is Andrew Breitbart and Big Hollywood. Big Hollywood is a great new site dedicated to conservative thought in media and supporting conservatives in the liberal dominated entertainment industry (yes, surprisingly, they do apparently exist - that's the point). I find it wonderfully entertaining and demonstrative of the liberal bubble in Hollywood.

Big Hollywood is also a source for information you will find great difficulty seeing anywhere else. For example: If you haven't see this before you have to check out this new video by Macho Sauce Productions called "The Pledge?" It is fantastic:

Macho Sauce Productions was founded by Alfonzo Rachel. Alfonzo, where have you been?! If this keep up, conservatives are well on their way to competing for attention in today's pop culture. Edgy. Funny. Satirical. Potent. Right on target.

Could conservative be the new cool in Hollywood? Well, that might be a stretch, but, I continue to dream.


Anonymous said...

hey daddy. That is a cool video although I can't understand what they say.

duhpippa said...

"Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy." ~ Sigmund Freud